Vogue - What Is Beauty

Project Description

This project is a visual showcase of how we are blessed with life every new day and experience it through different levels and stages. Transitioning from one level/stage to the next can sometimes be the hardest to accomplish. During these moments, darkness takes the opportunity to invite its way into your world by trying to take over your thoughts, character, and soul, influencing you to feel alone, behind, forgotten, sick, and worthless. Slowly, you begin to believe the lies told to you in the dark. It's that moment right before you lose all hope that the mini flame within you, still flickering, begins to grow again. Reminding you of who you are. It reminds you that your mistakes and past problems do not define you or your future. That flame within grows high to reach your heart again. Warming it up to remind you that you are worthy of love and being loved. It pulls your soul from the burnt ashes within you to discover your light, confidence, and elevated self. Ready to take on the world's challenges again as her new, stronger self, flaws and all.


A Few Blocks Away